Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

When there is "Om Ee Om" everywhere, and when it enters in our mind and soul, our heart glitters with this wonderful word, then our homes surely gets enlightened with "Om", everywhere,on the walls , the roof, the floor, the corners, and the entire place starts echoing with this sweet syllable, Om ee Om, Om ee Om , and then our home becomes the most sweetest place to reside and we can call as our "Home Sweet Home."

Om , the syllable, not considered as word, but a true God, is the ample positive energy in itself. Where OM comes in, all other negative and bad thoughts do not emerge there and only the enchanting smell of love, joy and happiness is surrounded around us, the encouraging sounds of care , compassion and courage echoes us and the twinkling lights of humble, strength and prayers cover us. This is a symbol that help vanish all the bad and wrong emotions within us.

I also recall Ohm's law of Resistance. This law states that more the power of "Ohm" unit, the more is the resistance, and the opposite of this is law of persistence and that is measured with the unit called "moh", which is read as "ohm" backwards. Similarly we have "Om" that we can compare with "Ohm law", the more the value of Ohm, more is the resistance,so more the name of "OM", it will reside in our hearts and we will keep worshiping, more will we be resisted to fall in this worldly affairs and pleasures and we will be brought closer to 'OM'. Same way "Moh", the persistence unit, in Hindi we call "Moh" as "attachment. So the more we have attachment with this worldly things and worldly affairs, more we will be persisted and attracted towards this world and we will be left away and taken away from God "OM."

Therefore leave all your "Moh's" away and tend towards leading your life full of "OM"